Youth Missionary Challenge

Youth Missionary Challenge 2024

A three-day missions-focused retreat for high school and college age youth!

June 3-5, 2024

Purpose and Guidelines

The purpose of Youth Missionary Challenge (YMC) is to confront the serious-minded high school and college age youth (ages 14-24) with Christ’s Great Commission and challenge him/her to find his place in it. An additional purpose is to demonstrate the training available to prepare him/her to effectively communicate the Gospel in new languages and cultures. It can be done and you can do it!

YMC will be held June 3-5, 2024, at the Baptist Bible Translators Institute’s (BBTI) campus. BBTI is a school for advanced missionary training that has been extremely helpful to many missionaries serving around the world. The low cost and dedicated staff are tremendous resources for those who take up Christ’s challenge to go into all the world and teach the Gospel.

Teaching and activities at YMC will be intense, interesting, and challenging. Students are not to leave the campus at any time until the program concludes on Wednesday.

Because of the seriousness of the Great Commission, this Youth Challenge is also of a serious nature. We will have fun, but fun is not the goal. We want you to come with a teachable attitude and leave with a genuine burden. We want you to be challenged and for you to challenge the new friends you will make here as you fellowship with them. We have room for only a limited number of students.

Cost and Registration

The cost of YMC is $30.00, paid by May 1, 2023; $35.00 thereafter.  Please fill out and sign the Registration Form, ask your pastor to sign, and then send it to the address on the bottom of the form. Those under the age of 18 years must print out the Activity Release for Minors, have it signed, and send it along with your registration. Those 18 years or over must print out the Activity Release for Adults, sign it, and send it along with your registration.


BBTI is Independent Baptist in doctrine. Youth from Charismatic or Pentecostal churches should find a missionary camp more in line with their views.

Items to Bring

King James Bible (book form, not digital)
Sleeping bag and pillow
Mat or air mattress (if desired)
Notebook and pen
Snack bar money (if desired)
Bath towel and wash cloth and personal toiletries
Clothing for duration (see dress code)
Outdoor hat (if desired)

Dress Code

We ask all students to dress modestly for the YMC. Ladies must wear a loose-fitted blouse with skirt or dress, which covers to the bottom of the knees when sitting (slits may not be above the knees). Culottes may be worn for activities. Men should wear a collared shirt. Blue jeans are acceptable but without holes. Please no “message” shirts. Shoes must be worn for activities and in the multi-purpose building. Shorts are not allowed for any student.

Electronic Devices, etc.

No electronic devices are allowed with the exception of cell phones, which must be checked in before the first session. Students will have access to their phones at designated times. Do not bring alcohol, drugs, tobacco, firearms, or pornography in any form. Prescription pharmaceuticals must be checked in at registration. Foul language or potty mouth is not appropriate for a follower of Christ.

Schedule of Events

Monday Evening Schedule

5:00-6:00 pm      Check In 
6-00-6:45 pm      Dinner
7:00-7:45 pm      Service/Session 1
7:45-8:00 pm      Break
8:00-9:00 pm      Service/Session 2
9:00-9:15 pm      Break
9:15-10:45 pm    Activities
12:00 pm             Lights Out

Tuesday Schedule

7:30-8:00 am        Personal Devotions/Prayer Time
8:00-8:30 am        Breakfast
9:00-9:45 am        Service/Session 3
9:45-10:00 am      Break
10:00-11:00 am    Service/Session 4
11:00-11:45 am    Questions and Answers Tim
12:00-12:30 pm    Lunch
1:00-5:30 pm        Organized Activities
6:00-6:45 pm        Dinner
7:00-7:45 pm        Service/Session 5
7:45-8:00 pm        Break
8:00-9:00 pm        Service/Session 6
9:00-9:15 pm        Break
9:15-10:45 pm      Activities
12:00 pm               Lights Out

Wednesday Schedule

7:30-8:00 am        Personal Devotions/Prayer Time
8:00-8:30 am        Breakfast
9:00-9:45 am        Service/Session 7
9:45-10:00 am      Break
10:00-11:00 am    Service/Session 8
11:00-11:45 am    Testimonies and Sharing
11:45 am               Dismissal/Going Forth to Serve